Susan Danner

Happy customer Susan

Happy customer Susan


“This smile is all about your saddle, Colin, and my fun ride I just went on. I feel very secure in the seat and the horse moves very well and smooth with this saddle. I was even invited to take him in a parade…

Susan’s horse Cody Boy in his new Colin Fox saddle.

Susan’s horse Cody Boy in his new Colin Fox saddle.

A parade! Something I would not have done if I’d had to use my old saddle.

Susan riding Cody in a parade with the Verde Valley Roverets

Susan riding Cody in a parade with the Verde Valley Roverets

I’m sure you have tons of pictures already from all the people you’ve sold saddles to… but isn’t Cody Boy fine in his new Colin Fox!

I would like to add that Colin was very patient with my questions and learning curve and he gave me some excellent advice.

All I had to do was let go of past bad experiences with purchasing saddles and trust Colin. Turned out super great.”


Indeed he does look fine modeling the saddle, Susan!

To get more details about THE COLIN FOX and to purchase, click HERE