Kerry Albertine

Kerry Albertine on Izzy

Kerry Albertine on Izzy



I have entrusted my fine draft cross and myself to the Australian stock saddle.

All tack and leather wear can only be appointed first and best by Colin Dangaard.  The man has so strong a background in horsemanship, you just listen to his input in relation to any equine impulse or horse "notion"  and he really has been around the arena.

Knowledge and experience, from tree to stirrup , reins to headstall , hoof to whither, Colin is your Man. He is the Saddle Maker Supreme.

These are the top of the mark saddles for comfort, mate.

And not only will your horses thank you,  you as well will be into it for a longer ride because it is so sweet to sit a good horse with a proper fit.  They're happy.

Colin is a personal associate as well as friend. He has made every provision and with great care for not only for me but for my horse " Izzy,"  so that we would both be and remain comfortable in saddle and tack.

So there you have it, from a perfectly satisfied pleasure rider.