Kathy & Gary Breedlove

Kathy Breedlove on Rhunna

Kathy Breedlove on Rhunna

In far Northern Michigan the riding season may be limited by weather, but if you want to conquer snow the Icelandic horse is the perfect choice. Kathy Breedlove and her husband Gary each ride beautiful unique Icelandics in Colin Dangaard saddles.

Gary Breedlove with Fossa

Gary Breedlove with Fossa

 Kathy says “My husband and I have ridden in Colin’s bareback saddles for a couple of summers now, we love them. We would not put any other saddle on our Icelandics. Colin has been great with answering our concerns, great guy. I highly recommend any of his saddles.”



Gary’s horse Fossa is a lovely dark chocolate color and is wearing the all leather bareback saddle.



Kathy’s horse Rhunna is a Blue Dun, with a hint of zebra striping on the legs and the line down her back that so often details that color. She is wearing a regular bareback saddle.

To shop bareback saddles click HERE